031 569 3010 hello@virtuediamonds.co.za


Determining the accurate value of a Diamond is a combination of physical tests, visual examinations and measurements that make up Diamond Grading. Our qualified team, together with our technical resources and industry experience, appraise stones for the retail market and those customers seeking the value of their stones for second opinions and insurance evaluations.


Our experience is in Polished Diamonds for both Jewellery and Investment settings. If you are looking for a Diamond for that special someone in your life – book an obligation-free-appointment with us and we can introduce you to the various grades and values of Diamonds. Alternatively  If you know what you are looking for – contact us and we’ll do our best to source and supply the stones for you.


At Virtue Diamonds we work hand in hand with Jewellers. If you would like to have your Diamonds reset into your existing jewellery of if you would like have a new custom piece made with your Diamonds – contact us or visit our Jewellery Design partner’s website for Jewellery Design Enquiries.